Sunday, 13 April 2008

1 april – Beijing

Slept in today was SOOO tired. looked outside looks like a massive amount of mist and turns out to be a hugely smoggy day...nice. Found a local bakery and got some flash looking buns and bikkies, and for peanuts, so cheap! walked to the tube, all being kitted out with automatic ticket machines fo the games, but for now, all tickets ad checking tickets done by people. tedious! Discovered that there is a massively mad rush for any free seats and you gotta get in there quick. Middle aged men seem to be the worst for this...
Got out at tianamen square, really feeling the communism! red everywhere and a lovely pic of chairman Mao across the road. nice. Don't you think if you were a massive dictator and were going to have your photo done, you'd get rid of the massive wart on your chin?? i know this is pre-photoshop days but surely there were a couple of good painters close by? Anyways THE Mao is pickled in a masuoleum in the square too..We had peking duck for dinner in this “duck” restaurant, so ccripsy duck pancakes and WOOHOO were they good. you could also almost buy like every part of the duck to tounges anyone??

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