Tuesday, 19 February 2008

7th Feb Kochi - Alleppey

Headed out early this morning (aafter our complimentary continental breakfast of coruse) and rickshawed our way to enarkulum. from there and atfer ton of confusion over different bus stations we caught a bus to alleppey.
Found a hotel through one of the touts who approach the bus and it turned out to be a good thing, they were so friendly and the place was perfect for us...plus nice and cheap. we went to the indian coffee house for lunch which seems to be bit of a fav with locals and so of coruse lots of stares but alos lots of friendly smiles, especially from a couple of lil kids. tried a masala dosa which seems to be pretty staple down here. like a pancke with tomato curry sauce stuff and other veges lilke potatoes, served with a couple of dipping curry sauces thing. plus my first “real” indian coffee (as opposed to a commercial chain type one)...which was strong and full of suga and milk...so really as they say, not too different from the tea!!
After some too-ing and fro-ing our accommodation hosts found us a boat to view so we mished out and had a look. found 1 aussie and 1 brit on it, completely stoned so thought it seemed relatively relaxing and decided to go for that one! pickup tomorrow at 11.
chilled out and spoke to a guy from oxford (botley!) who had done south china before he did india, he was pretty well travelled and made us a great map of some of his fav places in south china! score!

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